You can use your Visa or Mastercard credit cards, or your Visa Consum payment card to make the payment.
Payments made through the payment gateway are totally secure and guarantee data protection.
In payments using Visa or Mastercard credit cards, a security code will be sent by your bank to the telephone associated with your bank card, thus reinforcing security. You will have to enter this code when you pay. An order confirmation screen will appear when you have successfully finished the payment.
If you use your Visa Consum card to make the payment, the verification is with expiry date and CVV. In payments made with Visa Consum card, you must indicate how you want your purchase to be charged:
Immediate payment: your purchase is charged within the next 2 working days, without interests.
Monthly total: your purchase is charged on the 5th of the following month, without interests.
Special payment: this is a payment with interests whereby the sum of your purchase is divided into different instalments.
For further information, you can call BBVA Customer Support telephone at 91 807 30 90.